Web Development


Course Features

  • Location: Janakpuri East New Delhi
  • Language:
  • Lesson: 0
  • Viewers: 2432
  • Prerequisites: No
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Course Capacity: 50
  • Start Course: 05/20/2019


The term web development is associated with programming of a website and the job of a web developer is to create a well programmed and extremely creative website. So we are offering a complete package to learn web development fundamentals  so that you can diligently shape up one’s imagination virtually and that too in an effective and accessible manner.


+1, +2, Diploma students, 1st/2nd/3rd year student of B.E., B.Tech. from Electronics, Computer Science, IT, BCA, MCA.


Familiarity with computer and its operation, Knowledge of C Programming


  • Confidence build up for Web Development
  • Experince of Best learning practice
  • Acquire skills to do better Minor/Major Projects
  • Can participate in various competitions and  TechFest.
Section 1. HTML
a. What is HTML
i. What is a Web Browser?
ii. What are Versions of HTML?
iii. What can You Do with HTML?
iv. HTML Development Environments
v. Using a WYSIWYG Editor
vi. Using an HTML Editor
vii. Writing Code with a Text Editor
viii. Publishing Documents
b. Review of HTML elements
i. Rules of Syntax
ii. Making your Code Readable
iii. Making your Code XHTML Compliant
iv. Building a Document
v. Using Colors
vi. Adding Color to your Page
vii. Using Headings
viii. Using Paragraphs
ix. Using Blockquotes
x. Using Entities
xi. Aligning Block-Level Elements
c. Inserting spaces & line breaking
i. Displaying Pre formatted Text
ii. Formatting with Inline Elements
iii. Controlling Fonts
iv. Introducing List Elements
v. Creating Unordered Lists
vi. Creating Ordered Lists
vii. Creating Definition Lists
viii. Nesting Lists
ix. Indenting Text with the tag
d. What is an HTML table?
i. Building a Table
ii. Using the Border Attribute
iii. Cell Padding and Cell Spacing
iv. Controlling Table and Cell Width
v. Aligning a Table on the Page
vi. Aligning Tables and Text
vii. Aligning Table Data
viii. Spanning Columns and Rows
ix. Nesting Tables
x. Using Tables as a Design Tool
e. Creating a hyperlink
i. Understanding and Using URLs
ii. Linking to a Web Document
iii. Linking to a Local Document
iv. Linking to Anchors
v. Opening a New Browser Window
vi. Creating a Frameset
vii. Adding the Frame Elements
viii. Creating the Frames
ix. Using the Noframes Element
x. Using Inline Frames
f. Graphic file formats
i. Optimizing Image and File Size
ii. Inserting Inline Images
iii. Aligning and Formatting Images
iv. Using Images to Anchor Links
v. Creating a Look-and-Feel
vi. Sizing and Scaling Images
vii. Using Transparent Images
viii. Making an Image Fade In
ix. Finding and Creating Graphics
x. Using GIF Animation
Section 2. Javascript/ JQuery/ AJAX
a. Overview of clientside javascript
b. Controlling overflow
i. Conditional Constructs
ii. if else
iii. switch
iv. Looping Contructs
v. do while
vi. while
vii. for
viii. Branching Statements
ix. break
x. continue
xi. Equality and Identity Operators
xii. Logical and Comparison Operators
xiii. Error Handling
xiv. try
xv. catch
xvi. throw
xvii. finally
c. Implementing functions
i. Declaring Functions
ii. Invoking Functions
iii. Named and Anonymous Functions
iv. Passing Arguments
v. Local vs. Global Variables
vi. Returning Values from a Function
vii. The this Keyword
viii. Default Parameters
ix. Explaining Closures
d. Introduction to document object mode
i. Selecting DOM Elements
ii. getElementById
iii. getElementsByTagName
iv. getElementsByName
v. getElementsByClassName
vi. querySelector
vii. querySelectorAll
viii. Modifying Page Content with the DOM
ix. Manipulating CSS using JavaScript
e. Working with forms
i. Accessing Forms from JavaScript
ii. Working with Form Elements
iii. Validating Form Fields
iv. Checking Required Fields
v. Checking Length of Input
vi. Canceling Form Submission
f. Working with javascript objects & JSON
i. Understanding Objects
ii. Defining Custom Objects
iii. Object Literal Notation
iv. Defining Properties and Methods
v. Creating a Constructor
vi. ES6 Enhanced Object Literals
vii. Extending an Existing Object with prototype
viii. Using the in and instanceof Operators
ix. Overview of JSON
x. Using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse
g. HTML Javascript APIs
i. Web Storage API
ii. Local Storage
iii. Session Storage
iv. Geolocation API
h. Javascript fundamentals
i. Using Strict Mode
ii. Adding Comments
iii. Debugging JavaScript Code
iv. Declaring Variables
v. var, let and const Keywords
vi. Local vs. Global Variables
vii. Declaring Block-scoped Variables
viii. Using JavaScript Primitive Types
ix. String, Number and Boolean
x. undefined
xi. null
xii. Performing Data Conversions
xiii. Interacting with the User
xiv. alert
xv. prompt
xvi. confirm
xvii. Working with JavaScript
xviii. Arithmetic Operators
xix. Assignment Operators
xx. Using the Math and Date Objects
i. Working with strings, numbers
& arrays
i. Creating String Objects
ii. Using String Methods
iii. Searching within a String
iv. Returning a Substring
v. Converting Character Case
vi. Creating Number Objects
vii. Formatting Numbers
viii. Creating Arrays
ix. Using the Array Constructor
x. Using Literal Notation
xi. Accessing Array Elements
xii. Common Array Methods
xiii. Defining and Using Associative Arrays
xiv. Predefined Object Arrays
j. Browser object model
i. Overview of
the Browser Object Model
ii. Using the
window Object
iii. Opening and
Closing Windows
iv. Using Timers
v. Passing Data
Between Windows
vi. Using the
document Object
vii. Writing to the
viii. Accessing
Properties of the Document
ix. navigator
x. location
xi. screen Object
k. Event handling in javascript
i. Overview of
JavaScript Events
ii. Identifying
Differences Between Browsers
iii. The event
iv. Event
Capturing and Bubbling
v. Adding Event
vi. Traditional
(Inline) Model
vii. Registering
Events in JavaScript
viii. Adding
Multiple Handlers
ix. addEventListener
x. attachEvent
xi. Mouse and
Keyboard Events
xii. Preventing
Default Behavior
xiii. Canceling
l. Using regular expression
i. Overview of
Regular Expressions
ii. Using Regular
Expressions in JavaScript
iii. Creating a
RegExp Object
iv. Using i and g
v. Validating
Strings with Regular Expressions
vi. Using
m. Using Ajax
i. Overview of
ii. The
XMLHttpRequest Object
iii. Configuring an
Ajax Request
iv. Handling
Errors on readystatechange
v. Using JSON
with Ajax
Section 3. My SQL
a. Database design
b. Database architecture
c. Creating a MySQL database
d. Setting up users & privilages using PHP my admin
e. SQL queries
f. SQL functions
g. Complex SQL queries- Full text search
h. Setting up connection with PHP & MySQL
Section 4. PHP
a. Introduction to Programming
i. Language and the Logic of
ii. Types of Programming Languages
and Vocabulary
iii. What is PHP
iv. Why use PHP
v. Understanding client/server
vi XAMPP Installation
b. PHP fundamentals
i. PHP Basic
ii. PHP data Types
iii. PHP Variables
iv. PHP Constants
v. PHP
vi PHP Operators
vii. PHP Control
viii. PHP Loops
ix. PHP File
x. PHP Magins
xi. PHP Exceptions
xii. PHP Uploads
xiii. PHP Errors
xiv. PHP Cookies
xv. PHP Session
c. PHP Arrays
i. PHP Enumerated
ii. PHP
Associative Arrays
iii. Array
iv. PHP
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
v. Array
d. PHP functions
i. PHP Functions
Syntax, Arguments, Variables
ii. PHP built in
functions like include(), PHP require()
e. PHP forms
i. PHP Form
iii. PHP Form
Validation (server side + client side validation)
iv. PHP Form
Section 5. SEO
a. History of search & introduction of SEO
i. Evolution & Growth of Search
ii. How Google Work’s – Basics of
iii. Periodic Table of SEO success
b. On page best practices
i. Basics of HTML
ii. URL, Meta
Tags, Title, H1, Images
iii. Crawling: XML
& HTML Sitemaps, Robots.txt
iv. Achor text,
Internal linking
v. Tools: Google
Search Console, Bing Webmaster, Google Analytics setup
c. Keyword research & Competitive analysis
i. Keyword
Planner tool
ii. Mapping
keywords to website pages
iii. Competition
d. SEO friendly design & architecture
i. Thinking
before designing a website
ii. Mobile
responsive / adaptive design
iii. Importance of
iv. Site schema
(rich snippets) & architecture
e. Technical website optimization
i. URL
ii. Page Speed
Analysis (GTMetrix / YSlow / Google Page Speed)
iii. Broken links
iv. Canonicalization
v. 301 redirects
vi. Custom 404
Error pages
f. Link building
i. Content
marketing basics & its importance
ii. Directory
iii. Local listings
iv. Niche
backlinking via influencers & articles
v. Social
vi. Press Release
g. Social local mobile techniques
i. URL
ii. Page Speed
Analysis (GTMetrix / YSlow / Google Page Speed)
iii. Broken links
iv. Canonicalization
v. 301 redirects
vi. Custom 404
Error pages
h. SEO site audit
i. On-page &
Off-page audit strategy
ii. Tools:
Screaming Frog, Moz, SEOprofiler, domain tools
iii. Audit Report
i. Algorithm updates
i. Search
Algorithm overview
ii. Panda
iii. Penguin
iv. Hummingbird
v. Keeping track
of algorithm updates
j. SEO tracking
i. Tracking ranks
ii. Google
Analytics Custom Reports
iii. Creating your
custom dashboard