Web Development
Course Features
- Course Duration: 8 weeks / 80 Hours
- Category: Industrial Summer Training
- Students: 0
- Certificate: Yes
- Location: Janakpuri East New Delhi
- Language:
- Lesson: 0
- Viewers: 2432
- Prerequisites: No
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Course Capacity: 50
- Start Course: 05/20/2019
The term web development is associated with programming of a website and the job of a web developer is to create a well programmed and extremely creative website. So we are offering a complete package to learn web development fundamentals so that you can diligently shape up one’s imagination virtually and that too in an effective and accessible manner.
+1, +2, Diploma students, 1st/2nd/3rd year student of B.E., B.Tech. from Electronics, Computer Science, IT, BCA, MCA.
Familiarity with computer and its operation, Knowledge of C Programming
- Confidence build up for Web Development
- Experince of Best learning practice
- Acquire skills to do better Minor/Major Projects
- Can participate in various competitions and TechFest.
Section 1. | HTML |
a. | What is HTML |
i. | What is a Web Browser? |
ii. | What are Versions of HTML? |
iii. | What can You Do with HTML? |
iv. | HTML Development Environments |
v. | Using a WYSIWYG Editor |
vi. | Using an HTML Editor |
vii. | Writing Code with a Text Editor |
viii. | Publishing Documents |
b. | Review of HTML elements |
i. | Rules of Syntax |
ii. | Making your Code Readable |
iii. | Making your Code XHTML Compliant |
iv. | Building a Document |
v. | Using Colors |
vi. | Adding Color to your Page |
vii. | Using Headings |
viii. | Using Paragraphs |
ix. | Using Blockquotes |
x. | Using Entities |
xi. | Aligning Block-Level Elements |
c. | Inserting spaces & line breaking |
i. | Displaying Pre formatted Text |
ii. | Formatting with Inline Elements |
iii. | Controlling Fonts |
iv. | Introducing List Elements |
v. | Creating Unordered Lists |
vi. | Creating Ordered Lists |
vii. | Creating Definition Lists |
viii. | Nesting Lists |
ix. | Indenting Text with the tag |
d. | What is an HTML table? |
i. | Building a Table |
ii. | Using the Border Attribute |
iii. | Cell Padding and Cell Spacing |
iv. | Controlling Table and Cell Width |
v. | Aligning a Table on the Page |
vi. | Aligning Tables and Text |
vii. | Aligning Table Data |
viii. | Spanning Columns and Rows |
ix. | Nesting Tables |
x. | Using Tables as a Design Tool |
e. | Creating a hyperlink |
i. | Understanding and Using URLs |
ii. | Linking to a Web Document |
iii. | Linking to a Local Document |
iv. | Linking to Anchors |
v. | Opening a New Browser Window |
vi. | Creating a Frameset |
vii. | Adding the Frame Elements |
viii. | Creating the Frames |
ix. | Using the Noframes Element |
x. | Using Inline Frames |
f. | Graphic file formats |
i. | Optimizing Image and File Size |
ii. | Inserting Inline Images |
iii. | Aligning and Formatting Images |
iv. | Using Images to Anchor Links |
v. | Creating a Look-and-Feel |
vi. | Sizing and Scaling Images |
vii. | Using Transparent Images |
viii. | Making an Image Fade In |
ix. | Finding and Creating Graphics |
x. | Using GIF Animation |
Section 2. | Javascript/ JQuery/ AJAX |
a. | Overview of clientside javascript |
b. | Controlling overflow |
i. | Conditional Constructs |
ii. | if else |
iii. | switch |
iv. | Looping Contructs |
v. | do while |
vi. | while |
vii. | for |
viii. | Branching Statements |
ix. | break |
x. | continue |
xi. | Equality and Identity Operators |
xii. | Logical and Comparison Operators |
xiii. | Error Handling |
xiv. | try |
xv. | catch |
xvi. | throw |
xvii. | finally |
c. | Implementing functions |
i. | Declaring Functions |
ii. | Invoking Functions |
iii. | Named and Anonymous Functions |
iv. | Passing Arguments |
v. | Local vs. Global Variables |
vi. | Returning Values from a Function |
vii. | The this Keyword |
viii. | Default Parameters |
ix. | Explaining Closures |
d. | Introduction to document object mode |
i. | Selecting DOM Elements |
ii. | getElementById |
iii. | getElementsByTagName |
iv. | getElementsByName |
v. | getElementsByClassName |
vi. | querySelector |
vii. | querySelectorAll |
viii. | Modifying Page Content with the DOM |
ix. | Manipulating CSS using JavaScript |
e. | Working with forms |
i. | Accessing Forms from JavaScript |
ii. | Working with Form Elements |
iii. | Validating Form Fields |
iv. | Checking Required Fields |
v. | Checking Length of Input |
vi. | Canceling Form Submission |
f. | Working with javascript objects & JSON |
i. | Understanding Objects |
ii. | Defining Custom Objects |
iii. | Object Literal Notation |
iv. | Defining Properties and Methods |
v. | Creating a Constructor |
vi. | ES6 Enhanced Object Literals |
vii. | Extending an Existing Object with prototype |
viii. | Using the in and instanceof Operators |
ix. | Overview of JSON |
x. | Using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse |
g. | HTML Javascript APIs |
i. | Web Storage API |
ii. | Local Storage |
iii. | Session Storage |
iv. | Geolocation API |
h. | Javascript fundamentals |
i. | Using Strict Mode |
ii. | Adding Comments |
iii. | Debugging JavaScript Code |
iv. | Declaring Variables |
v. | var, let and const Keywords |
vi. | Local vs. Global Variables |
vii. | Declaring Block-scoped Variables |
viii. | Using JavaScript Primitive Types |
ix. | String, Number and Boolean |
x. | undefined |
xi. | null |
xii. | Performing Data Conversions |
xiii. | Interacting with the User |
xiv. | alert |
xv. | prompt |
xvi. | confirm |
xvii. | Working with JavaScript Operators |
xviii. | Arithmetic Operators |
xix. | Assignment Operators |
xx. | Using the Math and Date Objects |
i. | Working with strings, numbers & arrays |
i. | Creating String Objects |
ii. | Using String Methods |
iii. | Searching within a String |
iv. | Returning a Substring |
v. | Converting Character Case |
vi. | Creating Number Objects |
vii. | Formatting Numbers |
viii. | Creating Arrays |
ix. | Using the Array Constructor |
x. | Using Literal Notation |
xi. | Accessing Array Elements |
xii. | Common Array Methods |
xiii. | Defining and Using Associative Arrays |
xiv. | Predefined Object Arrays |
j. | Browser object model |
i. | Overview of the Browser Object Model |
ii. | Using the window Object |
iii. | Opening and Closing Windows |
iv. | Using Timers |
v. | Passing Data Between Windows |
vi. | Using the document Object |
vii. | Writing to the Webpage |
viii. | Accessing Properties of the Document |
ix. | navigator Object |
x. | location Object |
xi. | screen Object |
k. | Event handling in javascript |
i. | Overview of JavaScript Events |
ii. | Identifying Differences Between Browsers |
iii. | The event Object |
iv. | Event Capturing and Bubbling |
v. | Adding Event Handlers |
vi. | Traditional (Inline) Model |
vii. | Registering Events in JavaScript |
viii. | Adding Multiple Handlers |
ix. | addEventListener |
x. | attachEvent |
xi. | Mouse and Keyboard Events |
xii. | Preventing Default Behavior |
xiii. | Canceling Events |
l. | Using regular expression |
i. | Overview of Regular Expressions |
ii. | Using Regular Expressions in JavaScript |
iii. | Creating a RegExp Object |
iv. | Using i and g Flags |
v. | Validating Strings with Regular Expressions |
vi. | Using Backreferences |
m. | Using Ajax |
i. | Overview of Ajax |
ii. | The XMLHttpRequest Object |
iii. | Configuring an Ajax Request |
iv. | Handling Errors on readystatechange |
v. | Using JSON with Ajax |
Section 3. | My SQL |
a. | Database design |
b. | Database architecture |
c. | Creating a MySQL database |
d. | Setting up users & privilages using PHP my admin |
e. | SQL queries |
f. | SQL functions |
g. | Complex SQL queries- Full text search |
h. | Setting up connection with PHP & MySQL |
Section 4. | PHP |
a. | Introduction to Programming |
i. | Language and the Logic of Programming |
ii. | Types of Programming Languages and Vocabulary |
iii. | What is PHP |
iv. | Why use PHP |
v. | Understanding client/server |
vi | XAMPP Installation |
b. | PHP fundamentals |
i. | PHP Basic syntax |
ii. | PHP data Types |
iii. | PHP Variables |
iv. | PHP Constants |
v. | PHP Expressions |
vi | PHP Operators |
vii. | PHP Control Structures |
viii. | PHP Loops |
ix. | PHP File Handling |
x. | PHP Magins Method |
xi. | PHP Exceptions |
xii. | PHP Uploads |
xiii. | PHP Errors |
xiv. | PHP Cookies |
xv. | PHP Session |
c. | PHP Arrays |
i. | PHP Enumerated Arrays |
ii. | PHP Associative Arrays |
iii. | Array Iteration |
iv. | PHP Multi-Dimensional Arrays |
v. | Array Functions |
d. | PHP functions |
i. | PHP Functions Syntax, Arguments, Variables |
ii. | PHP built in functions like include(), PHP require() |
e. | PHP forms |
i. | PHP Form handling |
iii. | PHP Form Validation (server side + client side validation) |
iv. | PHP Form Sanitization |
Section 5. | SEO |
a. | History of search & introduction of SEO |
i. | Evolution & Growth of Search Engines |
ii. | How Google Work’s – Basics of SEO |
iii. | Periodic Table of SEO success factors |
b. | On page best practices |
i. | Basics of HTML |
ii. | URL, Meta Tags, Title, H1, Images |
iii. | Crawling: XML & HTML Sitemaps, Robots.txt |
iv. | Achor text, Internal linking |
v. | Tools: Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster, Google Analytics setup |
c. | Keyword research & Competitive analysis |
i. | Keyword Planner tool |
ii. | Mapping keywords to website pages |
iii. | Competition Analysis |
d. | SEO friendly design & architecture |
i. | Thinking before designing a website |
ii. | Mobile responsive / adaptive design |
iii. | Importance of HTTPs |
iv. | Site schema (rich snippets) & architecture |
e. | Technical website optimization |
i. | URL Architecture |
ii. | Page Speed Analysis (GTMetrix / YSlow / Google Page Speed) |
iii. | Broken links |
iv. | Canonicalization |
v. | 301 redirects |
vi. | Custom 404 Error pages |
f. | Link building |
i. | Content marketing basics & its importance |
ii. | Directory submissions |
iii. | Local listings |
iv. | Niche backlinking via influencers & articles |
v. | Social bookmarking |
vi. | Press Release optimization |
g. | Social local mobile techniques |
i. | URL Architecture |
ii. | Page Speed Analysis (GTMetrix / YSlow / Google Page Speed) |
iii. | Broken links |
iv. | Canonicalization |
v. | 301 redirects |
vi. | Custom 404 Error pages |
h. | SEO site audit |
i. | On-page & Off-page audit strategy |
ii. | Tools: Screaming Frog, Moz, SEOprofiler, domain tools |
iii. | Audit Report |
i. | Algorithm updates |
i. | Search Algorithm overview |
ii. | Panda |
iii. | Penguin |
iv. | Hummingbird |
v. | Keeping track of algorithm updates |
j. | SEO tracking |
i. | Tracking ranks (Webcam) |
ii. | Google Analytics Custom Reports |
iii. | Creating your custom dashboard |