Section 1 |
Introduction to Embedded System and Digital World |
a. |
Brief History |
I. |
First Embedded Application |
II. |
Different Microcontroller Architectures |
III. |
Different kinds of Microcontrollers |
b. |
Difference between processor & controller |
c. |
Scope of embedded systems and further advancements |
I. |
Applications |
II. |
Market research |
III. |
Growth Rate |
d. |
Digital number system |
e. |
Bitwise operation |
I. |
Addition |
II. |
Subtraction |
III. |
Compliment |
f. |
Byte operations |
I. |
Addition |
II. |
Subtraction |
III. |
1’s and 2’s compliment |
g. |
Number Conversion |
I. |
Binary to Decimal,octal,Hexadecimal conversion |
II. |
Octal to Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal conversion |
III. |
Decimal to Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal conversion |
VI. |
Hexadecimal to Binary, Octal, Decimal conversion |
V. |
ASCII to Hex/ Hex to ASCII conversion |
h. |
Other number format |
I. |
Binary Coded Decimal Number System |
II. |
Binary Coded Hexadecimal Number System |
Section 2 |
Introduction to Microcontroller |
a. |
Classification of microcontrollers |
I. |
4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit |
II. |
Package Structure |
III. |
Market Scenario on the basis of types of Controllers |
b. |
Introduction to PIC High range,mid range and low range controllers |
c. |
Introduction to PIC16Fxxx mid range controller |
d. |
Different families of PIC16Fxxx |
e. |
Basic architecture description of PIC16Fxxx |
I. |
Pin Diagram |
II. |
Memory Organisation |
III. |
SFRs description |
VI. |
Addressing Modes |
V. |
Instruction Set Introduction |
f. |
Introduction to general microcontroller terms |
I. |
Program Counter |
II. |
Accumulator (or Working Register) |
III. |
Reset |
VI. |
Clock Cycle, Machine Cycle, Instructio Cycle |
V. |
Interrupts |
VI. |
SFRs & GPRs |
VII. |
Stack, Stack Pointer, Stack Operation |
g. |
Brief introduction to internal features |
I. |
General Purpose Input-Output PORTs |
II. |
Interrupt |
III. |
Timers |
VI. |
Analog to Digital Convertors |
V. |
VI. |
VII. |
Device Protection features – Watchdog Timer, BOR, Power up Timer |
Section 3 |
Detailed Description to Development Tools |
a. |
I. |
Tools under IDE |
II. |
Introduction to – Hi-Tech C Compiler |
III. |
Brief description to Editor, Debugger, Assembler, Simulator, Emulator |
VI. |
Demo of Project Making & sample programs |
b. |
Turbo C compiler |
c. |
Proteus ISIS |
I. |
Brief introduction to simulator tool |
II. |
demo to some small logic circuits |
d. |
Programming Tools |
I. |
PICkit2 |
II. |
Universal Programmer |
Section 4 |
Assembly Programming Languages & Quick Review of C |
a. |
Assembly language programming concepts |
b. |
Introduction to instruction sets |
c. |
General programs on Proteus simulator |
d. |
LEDs |
I. |
LEDs basic concept + Interfacing with controller |
II. |
Basic LED patterns |
e. |
Switches & keys |
I. |
Keys basic concept + Interfacing with controller |
II. |
Pull Up Mode / Pull Down Mode |
f. |
Revision of C programming concepts |
I. |
Overview of C language |
II. |
Data Types |
III. |
Keywords |
g. |
Variables |
I. |
Operators |
II. |
Control Statements |
III. |
if statement |
IV. |
if-else statement |
V. |
Nested if statement |
VI. |
Nested if else statement |
VII. |
Switch-case statement |
Loops |
IX. |
for loop |
X |
while loop |
XI. |
do while loop |
XII. |
Loop in Loop (Nested Loop) |
Arrays |
XIV. |
One dimensional array |
XV. |
Two dimensional array |
XVI. |
Functions |
Simple Fuctions |
Call by Value |
XIX. |
Call by Reference |
XX. |
Recursion |
h. |
Pointers & strings |
i. |
Embedded C introduction |
j. |
Difference between C & embedded C |
Section 5 |
Embedded C Programming of GPIO and basic Internal Peripherals of Controller |
a. |
LEDs |
I. |
LED Introduction |
II. |
LED Interfacing with Microcontroller |
III. |
LED Patterns programming |
b. |
Linear switches |
I. |
Introduction to Switches |
II. |
Interfacing of Switches with Microcontroller |
III. |
Switches Programming |
c. |
Seven Segment display(SSD) |
I. |
Introduction to SSD |
II. |
Types of SSD(CC & CA) |
III. |
Internal Arrangement of Segment LEDs in SSD |
IV. |
Introduction to logics to display Numeric values on SSD |
V. |
Interfacing of SSD with Microcontroller |
VI. |
Programming concept of SSD |
VII. |
Different SSD Programs |
d. |
Keypad matrix |
I. |
Concept of Keypad Matrix |
II. |
Interfacing of Keypad with Microcontroller |
III. |
Programming Concept of Keypad Matrix |
IV. |
Programming Practice |
e. |
Multi Seven segment display(MSSD) |
I. |
Concept of MSSD |
II. |
Interfacing of MSSD with Microcontroller |
III. |
Programming Concept of MSSD |
IV. |
Programming Practice |
f. |
Liquid crystal display(LCD) |
I. |
Introduction to LCD |
II. |
Types of LCD (Character & Graphical) |
III. |
Introduction to Character LCD & its Types |
IV. |
Introduction to LCD Driver IC(HD44780) & Character LCD Module |
V. |
Introduction to Pin Diagram of Character LCD |
VI. |
Interfacing of Character LCD with Microcontroller |
VII. |
Description of Character LCD Commands |
Programming Concept of Character LCD |
IX. |
Practice of Character LCD Programs |
g. |
Timers & counters |
I. |
Understanding the Timer/Counter Concepts |
II. |
Introduction to Timer0 & Timer1 Concepts |
III. |
Introductions to Timer SFRs and their access |
IV. |
Programming concept of Timers to Generate delays |
V. |
Practice of various delay programs |
Section 6 |
Programming of Advanced Internal Peripherals of Controller |
a. |
Analog to digital converter |
I. |
Introduction to ADC Process |
II. |
Need of ADC |
III. |
Types of ADC |
IV. |
ADC Resolutions & Relation between Vin & Digital Output |
V. |
Introduction to PIC internal ADC and its SFRs |
VI. |
Programming Concept of ADC |
VII. |
Practice of Different ADC Programs |
b. |
Universal Asynchronous Reciever Transmitter(UART) |
I. |
Introduction to Serial & Parallel Communication |
II. |
Introduction to Synchronous & Asynchronous Communication |
III. |
Introduction to UART and its SFRs |
IV. |
Programming concept of Serial Trasmitter & Receiver using UART |
V. |
Practice of UART Programs |
c. |
EEPROM Features |
I. |
Introduction to Internal EEPROM of PIC16Fxxx |
II. |
Description of EEPROM SFRs |
III. |
Introduction to Writing/Reading concept to/from the EEPROM |
IV. |
Programming concept of EEPROM Writing & Reading |
V. |
Practice of EEPROM Programs |
d. |
Interrupts |
I. |
Introduction to Interrupt |
II. |
Polling Vs. Interrupt |
III. |
Types of Interrupts(Maskable & Non-Maskable, Internal & External) |
IV. |
Description to Interrupt Logic Diagram of PIC16Fxxx |
V. |
Introduction to SFRs related to Interrupts |
VI. |
Programming Concept of Interrupts |
VII. |
Practice of Interrupt Programs |
Section 7 |
Revision to Basic Electronics Components |
a. |
Resistors |
I. |
Introduction to Resistors |
II. |
Types of Resistors |
III. |
Color Coding Concept |
IV. |
Resistors Combination Circuits (Series & Parallel) |
V. |
Resistor Voltage Divider Rule |
VI. |
Variable Resistors & their types |
VII. |
AC & DC effect on Resistors |
Simulation of Resistor Circuits |
b. |
Capacitors |
I. |
Introduction to Capacitors |
II. |
Types of Capacitors |
III. |
Capacitors Combination Circuits |
IV. |
RC Circuits |
V. |
AC & DC effect on Capacitors |
c. |
Inductors |
I. |
Introduction to Inductors |
II. |
Use & Applications of Inductors Coils |
III. |
In Transformers |
IV. |
In Relays |
V. |
Magnetic Field Generation( e.g. Motors, Current Sensors) |
VI. |
Filter Circuits |
VII. |
AC & DC effect on Resistors |
d. |
Transistors |
I. |
Introduction & Working of Transistors |
II. |
Working of Transistor as a Switch |
III. |
Sinking & Sourcing Current Concept |
IV. |
Implementation of Logic Gates Using Transistors |
V. |
Simulation of Transistor Circuits |
e. |
Diodes |
I. |
Introduction & Working of Transistors |
II. |
Working of Transistor as a Switch |
III. |
Sinking & Sourcing Current Concept |
IV. |
Implementation of Logic Gates Using Transistors |
V. |
Simulation of Transistor Circuits |
f. |
Transistors |
I. |
Introduction & Working of Transistors |
II. |
Working of Transistor as a Switch |
III. |
Sinking & Sourcing Current Concept |
IV. |
Implementation of Logic Gates Using Transistors |
V. |
Simulation of Transistor Circuits |
g. |
Voltage regulator |
I. |
Introduction to Voltage Regulators |
II. |
Introduction to 78xx Series Regulators |
III. |
Introduction to 79xx Series Regulators |
h. |
Power Supply |
I. |
Introduction to Power Supply & its Block Diagram |
II. |
Concept of Fixed Regulated Power Supply |
III. |
Positive(+Ve) Power Supply |
IV. |
Negative(-Ve) Power Supply |
V. |
Dual(+Ve & -Ve) Power Supply |
VI. |
Concept of Variable Regulated Power Supply |
VII. |
Positive(+Ve) Power Supply |
Negative(-Ve) Power Supply |
IX. |
Dual(+Ve & -Ve) Power Supply |
X |
Simulation of Power Supply Circuits |
Section 8 |
Interfacing of External Peripherals to Controller |
a. |
Relay |
I. |
Introduction to Relay |
II. |
Description of Working of Relay |
III. |
Interfacing of relay with Microcontroller |
IV. |
Types of Relays |
V. |
Application of Relay |
VI. |
Simulation of Relay Circuits |
b. |
Buzzer |
I. |
Introduction to Buzzer & Its Working |
II. |
Types of Buzzers |
III. |
Interfacing of Buzzer with Microcontroller |
IV. |
Simulation of Buzzer Circuits |
c. |
Opto-Isolator |
Introduction to Opto-Isolator & Its Working |
Applications of Opto-Isolators |
Simulation of Opto-Isolator Circuits |
d. |
Motors |
I. |
Introduction to Motors |
II. |
Description of PMDC Motor Working |
III. |
Controlling of DC Motor |
IV. |
Using Transistor H-Bridge |
V. |
Using Relays (1 C/O & 2 C/O) |
VI. |
Using H-Bridge IC(L293D) |
VII. |
Speed Control of DC Motor Concept |
Introduction to Stepper Motor & Its Working |
IX. |
Interfacing of Stepper Motor with Microcontroller |
X. |
Controlling of Stepper Motor using ULN IC |
XI. |
Simulation of Motor Programs |
Section 9 : |
Project Work and Documentation |
a. |
Description of project development process |
b. |
Project Discussion and allotment |
c. |
Synopsis making and submission |
d. |
Introduction to hardware and software techniques |
e. |
Practice of De-soldering and soldering |
f. |
Project Hardware development(component mounting and hardware testing) |
g. |
Firmware Designing |
h. |
Project completion |
i. |
Project working video clip submission |
j. |
Detailed project report submission |
k. |
Final project PPT |
l. |
Feedback submission (written & video) |
m. |
Certificate distribution |