Embedded System Design using ARM Microcontroller
Course Features
- Course Duration: 6 Weeks
- Category: Industrial Winter Training
- Students: 0
- Certificate: Yes
- Location: Janakpuri East New Delhi
- Language: Advance C and Embedded C
- Lesson: 0
- Viewers: 3907
- Prerequisites: No
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Course Capacity: 50
- Start Course:
This program gives you learning with latest 32-bit Microcontroller of ARM Architecture CortexM0. It is designed to upgrade the skill set of engineers who has knowledge of 8-bit Microcontroller (8051/PIC/AVR).
2nd/ 3rd year student of B.E./B.Tech. form Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science. Recommended for 3rd/final year engineering students.
Knowledge of Basics of Electronics, Digital Electronics ,C language programming and any 8-bit Microcontroller 8051/AVR/PIC
- Confidence build up with knowledge of range of Microcontrollers
- Certification in association with STMicroelectronics
- Good understanding of implementation of advanced C concepts
- Fare understanding of Embedded Software development
- Experience of BEST learning practice
- Acquire skills to do better Minor/Major Projects
- Can participate in various national/international competition and techfest
- Knowledge of latest ARM Microcontroller Architecture Cortex-M0
- Experience of working with ST Microelectronics tool chain
- Knowledge of Advanced Embedded C programming Knowledge of Sensors Programming
- Knowledge of Sensors Programming
- Experience of working with real time programmer/debugger
- Personal Experience of working with Live Projects
Project Work
Unlimited Live Project experiences to every student are available (One compulsory)
Touchpad based security system, Calculator with Touch pad, Digital Logical analyzer, LED Display System, Logic Analyzer, SMART Home, Smart Energy Meter and many more…
The Sensor technology used in project works are GSM, RFID, Bluetooth, Radio frequency, Zig-bee, GPS, Touchpad, Accelerometer, Graphical LCD, Thermal Printer etc. (Project hardware component cost of project will be extra to training fee)
Section 1. | Introduction to Embedded System and Digital World |
a. | Brief history | |
i. | First Embedded Application | |
ii. | Different Microcontroller Architectures |
iii. | Different kinds of Microcontrollers |
b. | Difference between processor and controller |
c. | Scope of embedded system | |
i. | Applications | |
ii. | Market research | |
iii. | Growth Rate | |
d. | Digital number system | |
e. | Bitwise operations | |
i. | Addition | |
ii. | Subtraction | |
iii. | Compliment | |
f. | Byte operations | |
i. | Addition | |
ii. | Subtraction | |
iii. | 1’s and 2’s compliment | |
g. | Number conversion | |
i. | Binary to Decimal,octal,Hexadecimal conversion | |
ii. | Octal to Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal conversion | |
iii. | Decimal to Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal conversion | |
iv. | Hexadecimal to Binary, Octal, Decimal conversion | |
v. | ASCII to Hex/ Hex to ASCII conversion | |
h. | Other number formats | |
i. | Binary Coded Decimal Number System | |
ii. | Binary Coded Hexadecimal Number System | |
Section 2. | Introduction to Microcontroller | |
a. | Classification of microcontroller | |
i. | 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit | |
ii. | Package Structure | |
iii. | Market Scenario on the basis of types of Controllers |
b. | Introduction to 32 bit microcontroller |
i. | Importance of 32-bit Microcontrollers | |
ii. | Introduction to ARM | |
iii. | Difference between ARM & MIPS | |
iv. | Brief description of ARM Family Microcontrollers | |
v. | Introduction to ARM Cortex M Series (M0 & M3) | |
vi. | Description of STM32Fxxx Microcontrollers (STM32F0xxx & STM32F1xxx) |
c. | Basic architecture description of STM32Fxxx | |
i. | Pin Diagram | |
ii. | Memory Organisation | |
iii. | SFRs description | |
d. | Introduction to general microcontroller terms | |
i. | Program Counter |
ii. | Accumulator (or Working Register) |
iii. | Reset | |
iv. | Clock Cycle, Machine Cycle, Instructio Cycle |
v. | Interrupts | |
vi. | SFRs & GPRs |
vii. | Stack, Stack Pointer, Stack Operation |
e. | Breif introduction to internal features | |
i. | General Purpose Input-Output PORTs |
ii. | Interrupt | |
iii. | Timers | |
iv. | Analog to Digital Convertors |
v. | USART | |
vi. | EEPROM | |
vii. | Device Protection features – Watchdog Timer, BOR, Power up Timer |
Section 3. | Detailed Description to Development Tools |
a. | MPLAB IDE | |
i. | Tools under IDE | |
ii. | Introduction to – Hi-Tech C Compiler |
iii. | Brief description to Editor, Debugger, Assembler, Simulator, Emulator |
iv. | Demo of Project Making & sample programs |
b. | Turbo C compiler | |
c. | Proteus ISIS | |
i. | Brief introduction to simulator tool |
ii. | demo to some small logic circuits |
d. |
i. |
Introduction to Keil IDE
ii. | Making Project on Keil IDE | |
iii. | Compiling a Sample Program to Understand Process |
Section 4. | Quick Review of C | |
a. | Revision to C programming language |
i. | Overview of C language | |
ii. | Data Types | |
iii. | Keywords | |
iv. | Variables | |
v. | Operators | |
vi. | Control Statements | |
vii. | if statement | |
viii. | if-else statement | |
ix. | Nested if statement | |
x. | Nested if else statement | |
xi. | Switch-case statement | |
xii. | Loops | |
xiii. | for loop | |
xiv. | while loop | |
xv. | do while loop | |
xvi. | Loop in Loop (Nested Loop) | |
xvii. | Arrays | |
xviii. | One dimensional array | |
xix. | Two dimensional array | |
xx. | Functions | |
xxi. | Simple Fuctions | |
xxii. | Call by Value | |
xxiii. | Call by Reference | |
xiv. | Recursion | |
xv. | Pointers & String | |
xvi. | Structures & Unions | |
xvii. | Enum & Pre-Processor Directives |
b. | Difference between C & embedded C |
c. | Embedded C introduction | |
Section 5. | Quick Revision to 8-BIT Microcontroller |
a. | Introduction to 8 bit microcontroller | |
b. | Description to memory organisation & SFRs | |
c. | Description to pin architecture | |
d. | Programming with GPIO with basic I/O devices | |
i. | LED Interfacing & Programming Practice |
ii. | Linear Key(Switch) Interfacing & Programming Concept |
iii. | Seven Segment Display(SSD) Interfacing & Programming |
iv. | Multi-SSD(MSSD) Programming Concept |
v. | LCD Introduction, Interfacing & Programming Concept |
Section 6. | Working With STM32Fxxx Microcontroller |
a. | Demonstration of LED program on STM32Fxxx kit |
b. | Description of GPIO of STM32Fxxx microcontroller | |
c. | PORT description & general mapping techniques | |
d. | Description of general PORT SFRs | |
e. | Detail description to STM32Fxxx Discovery kit | |
f. | Introduction to programming environment of STM32Fxxx on Keil V4 |
Section 7. | Embedded C Programming of GPIO and Basic Internal Peripherals of STM32Fxxx Controller |
a. | LEDs | |
i. | LED Introduction | |
ii. | LED Interfacing with Microcontroller |
iii. | LED Patterns programming | |
b. | Linear switches | |
i. | LED Introduction | |
ii. | LED Interfacing with Microcontroller | |
iii. | LED Patterns programming | |
c. | Seven segment displays | |
i. | Introduction to SSD | |
ii. | Types of SSD(CC & CA) | |
iii. | Internal Arrangement of Segment LEDs in SSD |
iv. | Introduction to logics to display Numeric values on SSD |
v. | Interfacing of SSD with Microcontroller |
vi. | Programming concept of SSD | |
vii. | Different SSD Programs | |
d. | Keypad matrix | |
i. | Concept of Keypad Matrix | |
ii. | Interfacing of Keypad with Microcontroller |
iii. | Programming Concept of Keypad Matrix |
iv. | Programming Practice | |
e. | Multi seven segment display | |
i. | Concept of MSSD |
ii. | Interfacing of MSSD with Microcontroller |
iii. | Programming Concept of MSSD |
iv. | Programming Practice |
f. | Liquid crystal display | |
i. | Introduction to LCD |
ii. | Types of LCD (Character & Graphical) |
iii. | Introduction to Character LCD & its Types |
iv. | Introduction to LCD Driver IC(HD44780) & Character LCD Module |
v. | Introduction to Pin Diagram of Character LCD |
vi. | Interfacing of Character LCD with Microcontroller |
vii. | Description of Character LCD Commands |
viii. | Programming Concept of Character LCD |
ix. | Practice of Character LCD Programs |
g. | Timers/ counters | |
i. | Understanding the Timer/Counter Concepts |
ii. | Introduction to Timer2 & Timer3 Concepts |
iii. | Introductions to Timer SFRs and their access |
iv. | Programming concept of Timers to Generate delays |
v. | Practice of various delay programs |
Section 8. | Programming of Advanced Internal Peripherals of STM32Fxxx Controller |
a. | ADC | |
i. | Introduction to ADC Process | |
ii. | Need of ADC | |
iii. | Types of ADC | |
iv. | ADC Resolutions & Relation between Vin & Digital Output |
v. | Introduction to STM32Fxxx internal ADC and its SFRs |
vi. | Programming Concept of ADC | |
vii. | Practice of Different ADC Programs |
b. | DAC | |
i. | Concept & Description to STM32Fxxx DAC |
ii. | Description to SFRs & their Access |
iii. | Programming Concept of DAC | |
iv. | Practice of Different DAC Programs |
c. | UART | |
i. | Introduction to Serial & Parallel Communication |
ii. | Introduction to Synchronous & Asynchronous Communication |
iii. | Introduction to UART and its SFRs |
iv. | Programming concept of Serial Trasmitter & Receiver using UART |
v. | Practice of UART Programs | |
d. | Interrupts | |
i. | Introduction to Interrupt | |
ii. | Polling Vs. Interrupt | |
iii. | Types of Intrrupts(Maskable & Non-Maskable, Internal & External) |
iv. | Desription to NVIC Interrupt Logic Diagram of STM32Fxxx |
v. | Introduction to SFRs related to Interrupts |
vi. | Programming Concept of Interrupts |
vii. | Practice of Interrupt Programs | |
Section 9. | Revision to Basic Electronics Components |
a. | Resistors | |
i. | Introduction to Resistors | |
ii. | Types of Resistors | |
iii. | Color Coding Concept | |
iv. | Resistors Combination Circuits (Series & Parallel) |
v. | Resistor Voltage Divider Rule | |
vi. | Varible Resistors & their types |
vii. | AC & DC effect on Resistors | |
viii. | Simulation of Resistor Circuits | |
b. | Capacitors | |
i. | Introduction to Capacitors |
ii. | Types of Capacitors |
iii. | Capacitors Combination Circuits |
iv. | RC Circuits | |
v. | AC & DC effect on Capacitors |
c. | Inductors | |
i. | Introduction to Inductors | |
ii. | Use & Applications of Inductors Coils |
iii. | In Transformers | |
iv. | In Relays | |
v. | Magnetic Field Generation( e.g. Motors, Current Sensors) |
vi. | Filter Circuits | |
vii. | AC & DC effect on Resistors | |
d. | Diodes | |
i. | Introduction to Diodes | |
ii. | Working of Diodes | |
iii. | Simulation of Various Diodes Circuits |
e. | Transistors | |
i. | Introduction & Working of Transistors |
ii. | Working of Transistor as a Switch |
iii. | Sinking & Sourcing Current Concept |
iv. | Implementation of Logic Gates Using Transistors |
v. | Simulation of Transistor Circuits |
f. | Voltage regulators | |
i. | Introduction to Voltage Regulators |
ii. | Introduction to 78xx Series Regulators |
iii. | Introduction to 79xx Series Regulators |
g. | Power supply | |
i. | Introduction to Power Supply & its Block Diagram |
ii. | Concept of Fixed Regulated Power Supply |
iii. | Positive(+Ve) Power Supply | |
iv. | Negative(-Ve) Power Supply | |
v. | Dual(+Ve & -Ve) Power Supply | |
vi. | Concept of Variable Regulated Power Supply |
vii. | Positive(+Ve) Power Supply | |
viii. | Negative(-Ve) Power Supply | |
ix. | Dual(+Ve & -Ve) Power Supply | |
x. | Simulation of Power Supply Circuits |
Section 10. | Interfacing of External Peripherals to controller |
a. | Relay | |
i. | Introduction to Relay | |
ii. | Description of Working of Relay | |
iii. | Interfacing of relay with Microcontroller |
iv. | Types of Relays | |
v. | Application of Relay | |
vi. | Simulation of Relay Circuits | |
b. | Buzzer | |
i. | Introduction to Buzzer & Its Working |
ii. | Types of Buzzers | |
iii. | Interfacing of Buzzer with Microcontroller |
iv. | Simulation of Buzzer Circuits | |
c. | Opto Isolator | |
i. | Introduction to Opto-Isolator & Its Working |
ii. | Applications of Opto-Isolators | |
iii. | Simulation of Opto-Isolator Circuits |
d. | Motors | |
i. | Introduction to Motors | |
ii. | Description of PMDC Motor Working |
iii. | Controlling of DC Motor | |
iv. | Using Transistor H-Bridge | |
v. | Using Relays (1 C/O & 2 C/O) | |
vi. | Using H-Bridge IC(L293D) | |
vii. | Speed Control of DC Motor Concept |
viii. | Introduction to Stepper Motor & Its Working |
ix. | Interfacing of Stepper Motor with Microcontroller |
x. | Controlling of Stepper Motor using ULN IC |
xi. | Simulation of Motor Programs | |
Section 11. | Project work & documentation | |
a. | Project discussion & allotment |
b. | Description of project development process |
c. | Synopsis making & submission | |
d. | Practice of De-soldering & soldering | |
e. | Introduction to H/S techniques | |
f. | Project hardware development | |
g. | Firmware designing | |
h. | Project completion | |
i. | Project working video submission | |
j. | Detailed project report submission | |
k. | Final project ppt | |
l. | Certificate distribution | |
m. | Feedback submission |