Embedded System Design using PIC Microcontroller


Course Features

  • Location: Janakpuri East New Delhi
  • Language: PSPICE,C and Embedded c
  • Lesson: 0
  • Viewers: 2366
  • Prerequisites: No
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Course Capacity: 50
  • Start Course: 05/20/2019


The objective of this program is to give in-depth knowledge of 8-bit PIC Microcontroller with their programming so that student can design real time projects on Emebdded Systems (Home Automation, Home Security, Industrial Automation, Telecom, Automobile, Defence etc.)


1st/2nd Year student of B.E/B.tech from Electronics. Recommended for all 1st year ECE/EEE Student.


Knoweldge of Electronic component and C language programming.


  • Knoweldge of Electronics hardware design
  • Knoweldge of PCB design
  • Knoweldge of C language programming
  • Knoweldge of PIC microcontroller programming
  • Knoweldge of Personal experience of working with live project


  • Understanding Of Electronics Skill Of International market
  • Expeience of BEST learning practice
  • Can participate in various national / international comprtition and techfest
  • Confidence buildup for Electronics circuits design
  • Opportunity to participate in worldskill AbuDhabi 2017

Project Work

Unlimited Live Project Experiences are available to every student on following projects : Intelligent Traffic Light Controller, Speedometer, Temperature Controller, Visitor Counter, Intelligent Energy Saver, Pre-paid Energy Meter, SMART Home, Smart Energy Meter many more.


Section 1 : Introduction to Embedded System and Digital World

1. Brief History

First Embedded Application

Different Microcontroller Architectures

Different kinds of Microcontrollers

2. Difference between processors & controllers

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3. Scope of Embedded system & further advancements

Market research
Growth Rate

4. Digital number system

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5. Bitwise operations


6. Byte operations

1’s and 2’s compliment

7. Number conversion

Binary to Decimal,octal,Hexadecimal conversion
Octal to Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal conversion
Decimal to Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal conversion
Hexadecimal to Binary, Octal, Decimal conversion
ASCII to Hex/ Hex to ASCII conversion

8. Other number formats

Binary Coded Decimal Number System
Binary Coded Hexadecimal Number System

Section 2 : Introduction to Microcontroller

9. Classification of microcontrollers

4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit

Package Structure

Market Scenario on the basis of types of Controllers

10. Introduction to PIC High range, Mid range & Low range controllers

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11. Introduction to PIC16Fxxx Mid Range controllers

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12. Different families of PIC16Fxxx

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13. Basic Architecture description of PIC16Fxxx

Pin Diagram

Memory Organisation

SFRs description

Addressing Modes

Instruction Set Introduction

14. Introduction to general microcontroller terms

Program Counter

Accumulator (or Working Register)


Clock Cycle, Machine Cycle, Instructio Cycle



Stack, Stack Pointer, Stack Operation

15. Brief introduction to internal features

General Purpose Input-Output PORTs
Analog to Digital Convertors
Device Protection features – Watchdog Timer, BOR, Power up Timer

Section 3 : Detailed Description to Development Tools


Tools under IDE

Introduction to – Hi-Tech C Compiler

Brief description to Editor, Debugger, Assembler, Simulator, Emulator

Demo of Project Making & sample programs

17. Turbo C compiler

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18. Proteus-ISIS

Brief introduction to simulator tool
demo to some small logic circuits

19. Programming tools

Universal Programmer

Section 4 : Assembly Programming Languages & Quick Review of C

20. Assembly Language Programming Concepts

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21. Introduction to instruction set

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22. General programs on Proteus simulator

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23. LEDs

LEDs basic concept + Interfacing with controller

Basic LED patterns

24. Switches & Keys

Keys basic concept + Interfacing with controller

Pull Up Mode / Pull Down Mode

25. Revision to C programming language

Overview of C language

Data Types




Control Statements

if statement

if-else statement

Nested if statement

Nested if else statement

Switch-case statement


for loop

while loop

do while loop

Loop in Loop (Nested Loop)


One dimensional array

Two dimensional array


Simple Fuctions

Call by Value

Call by Reference


26. Pointers & Strings

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27. Embedded C introduction

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28. Difference between C & Embedded C

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Section 5 : Embedded C Programming of GPIO and basic Internal Peripherals of Controller

29. LEDs

LED Introduction

LED Interfacing with Microcontroller

LED Patterns programming

30. Linear Switches

Introduction to Switches
Interfacing of Switches with Microcontroller
Switches Programming

31. Seven Segment Display(SSD)

Introduction to SSD
Types of SSD(CC & CA)
Internal Arrangement of Segment LEDs in SSD
Introduction to logics to display Numeric values on SSD
Interfacing of SSD with Microcontroller
Programming concept of SSD
Different SSD Programs

32. Keypad Matrix

Concept of Keypad Matrix
Interfacing of Keypad with Microcontroller
Programming Concept of Keypad Matrix
Programming Practice

33. Multi Seven Segment Display(MSSD)

Concept of MSSD
Interfacing of MSSD with Microcontroller
Programming Concept of MSSD
Programming Practice

34. Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)

Introduction to LCD
Types of LCD (Character & Graphical)
Introduction to Character LCD & its Types
Introduction to LCD Driver IC(HD44780) & Character LCD Module
Introduction to Pin Diagram of Character LCD
Interfacing of Character LCD with Microcontroller
Description of Character LCD Commands
Programming Concept of Character LCD
Practice of Character LCD Programs

35. Timers/Counters

Understanding the Timer/Counter Concepts
Introduction to Timer0 & Timer1 Concepts
Introductions to Timer SFRs and their access
Programming concept of Timers to Generate delays
Practice of various delay programs

Section 6 : Programming of Advanced Internal Peripherals of Controller

36. Analog to Digital converter(ADC)

Introduction to ADC Process

Need of ADC

Types of ADC

ADC Resolutions & Relation between Vin & Digital Output

Introduction to PIC internal ADC and its SFRs

Programming Concept of ADC

Practice of Different ADC Programs

37. Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter(UART)

Introduction to Serial & Parallel Communication
Introduction to Synchronous & Asynchronous Communication
Introduction to UART and its SFRs
Programming concept of Serial Trasmitter & Receiver using UART
Practice of UART Programs

37. EEPROM Features

Introduction to ADC Process

Need of ADC

Types of ADC

ADC Resolutions & Relation between Vin & Digital Output

Introduction to PIC internal ADC and its SFRs

Programming Concept of ADC

Practice of Different ADC Programs

37. Interrupts

Introduction to Interrupt
Polling Vs. Interrupt
Types of Intrrupts(Maskable & Non-Maskable, Internal & External)
Desription to Interrupt Logic Diagram of PIC16Fxxx
Introduction to SFRs related to Interrupts
Programming Concept of Interrupts
Practice of Interrupt Programs

Section 7 : Revision to Basic Electronics Components

40. Resistors

Introduction to Resistors

Types of Resistors

Color Coding Concept

Resistors Combination Circuits (Series & Parallel)

Resistor Voltage Divider Rule

Varible Resistors & their types

AC & DC effect on Resistors

Simulation of Resistor Circuits

41. Capacitors

Introduction to Capacitors
Types of Capacitors
Capacitors Combination Circuits
RC Circuits
AC & DC effect on Capacitors

42. Inductors

Introduction to Inductors
Usee & Applications of Inductors Coils
In Transformers
In Relays
Magnetic Field Generation( e.g. Motors, Current Sensors)
Filter Circuits
AC & DC effect on Resistors

43. Transistors

Introduction & Working of Transistors
Working of Transistor as a Switch
Sinking & Sourcing Current Concept
Implementation of Logic Gates Using Transistors
Simulation of Transistor Circuits

44. Diodes

Introduction to Diodes
Working of Diodes
Simulation of Various Diodes Circuits

45. Transistors

Introduction & Working of Transistors
Working of Transistor as a Switch
Sinking & Sourcing Current Concept
Implementation of Logic Gates Using Transistors
Simulation of Transistor Circuits

46. Voltage Regulators

Introduction to Voltage Regulators
Introduction to 78xx Series Regulators
Introduction to 79xx Series Regulators

47. Power Supply

Introduction to Power Supply & its Block Diagram
Concept of Fixed Regulated Power Supply
Positive(+Ve) Power Supply
Negative(-Ve) Power Supply
Dual(+Ve & -Ve) Power Supply
Concept of Variable Regulated Power Supply
Positive(+Ve) Power Supply
Negative(-Ve) Power Supply
Dual(+Ve & -Ve) Power Supply
Simulation of Power Supply Circuits

Section 8 : Interfacing of External Peripherals to Controller

48. Relay

Introduction to Relay

Description of Working of Relay

Interfacing of relay with Microcontroller

Types of Relays

Application of Relay

Simulation of Relay Circuits

49. Buzzer

Introduction to Buzzer & Its Working
Types of Buzzers
Interfacing of Buzzer with Microcontroller
Simulation of Buzzer Circuits

50. Opto-Isolator

Introduction to Opto-Isolator & Its Working
Applications of Opto-Isolators
Simulation of Opto-Isolator Circuits

51. Motors

Introduction to Motors
Description of PMDC Motor Working
Controlling of DC Motor
Using Transistor H-Bridge
Using Relays (1 C/O & 2 C/O)
Using H-Bridge IC(L293D)
Speed Control of DC Motor Concept
Introduction to Stepper Motor & Its Working
Interfacing of Stepper Motor with Microcontroller
Controlling of Stepper Motor using ULN IC
Simulation of Motor Programs

Section 9 : Project Work and Documentation

52. Description of project development process

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53. Project discussion & allotment

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54. Synopsis making & submission

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55. Introduction to Hardware & Software techniques

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56. Practice of De-soldering & Soldering

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57. Project Hardware Development(component mounting & H/W testing)

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58. Firmware Designing

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59. Project completion

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60. Project working video clip submission

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61. Detailed project report submission

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62. Final project PPT

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63. Feedback submission(written & video)

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64. Certificate Distribution

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