Electronics Hardware Design
Course Features
- Course Duration: 6 weeks
- Category: For Student, Industrial Summer Training
- Students: 0
- Certificate: Yes
- Location: Janakpuri East New Delhi
- Language: Proteus Software
- Lesson: 0
- Viewers: 10164
- Prerequisites: No
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Course Capacity: 50
- Start Course: 05/20/2019
This is a concentrated practical program designed for students & working professional who want to learn the art of Electronics fundamentals to design Industrial Application. It offers in-depth learning of Electronics Circuit Design and Simulation with PCB designing.
Graduted students/Working Professionals in Electronics & Electrical Engineering
Knowledge of Electronics Components.
- Confidence build up for Electronics Projects.
- Hands-on experience of Circuit Design & Simulation.
- Hands-on experience of working with PCB Design.
- Experience of Best learning practice
- Acquire skills to do better Minor/Major Projects.
- Can participate in various National/International compititions and TechFest.
- Certification from Embedded Technology Foundation, New Delhi.
- Knowledge of Electronic components
- Understanding of Electronics Project Design Flow
- Knowledge of Schematic Design techniques
- Knowledge of PCB Design techniques
- Personal Experience of working with Live Projects
Section 1 : Introduction to Electronics Designing Using Spice and Pspice
1. Introduction
Introduction to Electronic design automation (EDA)
Brief History of EDA
Latest Trends in Market
How it helps and Why it requires
Different EDA tools
2. Introduction to Spice
Brief History
New Versions
Representing Components
Making a Circuit & doing Simulation
3. Understanding Pspice
Understaning The Pspice Environment
Using Model Editor
Using Magnetic Parts Editor
Using Stimulus Editor
4. Preparation for simulation
Drawing a Circuit
Prepairing schematic for simulation
Understand the sources for simulation
Understand different markers
Section 2 : Introduction to Development Tools
5. Introduction to PROTEUS ISIS Software
Brief Introduction of various simulators
Description to Proteus ISIS simulator tool
Hands on practice on available library of components
working through wiring and schematic designing
6. Concept of Schematic designing on ISIS
Introduction of ISIS Window
Introduction of ISIS Menu bar and Tool Bar
Introduction of ISIS Library and Component Selection from Library
Changing the Properties of Selected Components
7. Simulation concept of ISIS
Placing the Selected Components
Connection using Wire, Bus and Nodes
Simulating the Designed Circuit
Varifing the result using ISIS Tools
Using Multimeter and Voltage & Current Probes
Using Virtual Oscilloscope
Introduction of Other Measurement Tools of ISIS
8. Introduction of PROTEUS Areas software for PCB Designing
Connecting the schematic From ISIS to ARES for Netlising
Selecting the Components Footprints as per design
Picking and placing the Component
Making New Footprints
Assigning Footprint to components
Section 3 : General Electronics Building Blocks
9. Introduction
Introduction to Active and Passive components and devices
Difference between Active and Passive components
Study of resistors, capacitors, and inductor coils
Study of voltage and current rating of components
10. Description of Resistors
Resistor Introduction
Colour coding schemes
4 and 5 Band resistors
Power limitations to Resistors
Voltage Dividers using Resistos
Variable Resistors
11. Description of Capacitors
Different types of Capacitors
Application of Capacitors
Voltage and Current specifications
Effect of Capacitor on AC and DC
12. Description of Inductors
Role of Inductors in electronics
Power Ratings of Coils
Types of Inductance
Section 4 : Description to Analog Electronics
13. Introduction
Study of role of Analog Electronics
Scope of Analog Electronics
Study of Diodes, Transistors, Rectifiers, Regulators
Study of Operational Amplifiers
14. Description to Diodes & its application
Study of Diodes and relative circuits
Clipper Circuits
Clamper Circuits
Voltage Multiplier Circuits
Importance of Zener Diodes in Regulation
Zener Diode as Constant Voltage Regulator
15. Description of Transistors
Types of Transistors
Importance of Transistor in Analog electronics
Study of Current Amplifiers Circuits
Open Collector Concept
Pull Up and Pull Down Concept
Logic Gates using Transistors
16. Study of different rectifier circuits
Half wave Rectifier
Full wave Rectifier
Wein Bridge Rectifier
17. Study of regulator Ics
Fixed Voltage Regulator Ics
Variable Voltage Regulator Ics
18. Study of operational Amplifiers
Introduction of Different Features of Op-Amp
open Loop Circuits
Zero-Crossing Detector
Close Loop Circuits
Invarting Amplifier
Non-Inverting Amplifier
Differential Amplifier
Voltage to current convertor
19. Applications
Section 5 : Description to Digital Electronics
20. Introduction
Study of role of Digital Electronics
Scope of Digital Electronics
Components of Digital Electronics
Description to Combinational Circuits
Description to Sequential Circuits
Types of Logic Levels
21. Study of Digital circuits & Gates
Logic gates Using Transistors
Study Of Logic Gate Ics
Truth Tabble Varification Using Logic Gate Ics
22. Description to combinational circuits
Adder (Half and Full)
Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
Encoder and Decoder
BCD to Seven Segment Encoder
23. Description to sequential circuits
Latches and Flip Flops
Section 6 : Various Power Supply Techniques
24. Introduction
Concept to Positive and Negative Power supply
Study of Voltage Step Up/Down concept
Study of various kinds of Rectifier Circuits
Description to Filter and Regulators
25. Fixed regulated power supply concepts
Fixed +VE Power Supply
Fixed -VE Power Supply
Fixed Dual Power Supply
26. Variable regulated power supply concepts
Varaible +VE Power Supply
Varaible -VE Power Supply
Varaible Dual Power Supply
Section 7 : Study of Other Electronics and Electrical Devices
27. Description to Motors
Types of Motors
Permanent DC motor
Stepper Motor
Servo Motors
28. Concept for driving of motors
H-bridge concept
High current driver Ics
29. Role of different motors in different Applications
Robotic Applications
Door Open/Close Applications
Wheels Driving
30. Description to Relays
Types of Relays
1 change-over Relay
2 change-over Relay
Mechanism behind the working of relays
Available Voltage rated Relays
9, 12, 15 volt
24,26,48,72 volt
Different application of Relays
Controlling the Motor Direction
Switching the Home Appliances
31. Description of Buzzer
Types of Buzzers
Peizoelectric Buzzer
Mechanical Buzzer
Interfacing of Buzzers with Transistor
Uses of Buzzer
32. Description to Optocoupler
Description to Optocoupler
Application of Optocoupler
33. Description to LEDs and Seven Segment Display
Types of Seven Segment Displays
Common Anode
Common Cathode
Concept of BCD to Seven Segment Decoder
Application of Seven Segment Displays
Section 8 :Introduction to PCB Designing Concepts
34. Introduction & brief history
What is PCB
Difference between PWB and PCB
Types of PCBs
Single Sided (Single Layer)
Multi-Layer (Double Layer)
PCB Materials
35. Trends in PCB Designing
What is PCB
Difference between PWB and PCB
Types of PCBs
Single Sided (Single Layer)
Multi-Layer (Double Layer)
PCB Materials
Section 9 :Component Introduction and their Categories
36. Types of components
Active Components
Integrated Circuits (Ics)
Passive Components
37. Component package types
Through Hole Packages
Axial lead
Radial Lead
Single Inline Package(SIP)
Dual Inline Package(DIP)
Transistor Outline(TO)
Pin Grid Array(PGA)
Surface Mont Devices(SMD)
Metal Electrode Face(MELF)
Leadless Chip Carrier(LCC)
Small Outline Integrated Circuit(SOIC)
Quad Flat Pack(QPF) and Thin QFP (TQFP)
Ball Grid Array(BGA)
Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier(PLCC)
Section 10 : Detailed Description and Practicals of Pcb Designing
38. PCB Designing Flow chart
Schematic Entry
PCB Layout Designing
Prototype Designing
Design Rule Check(DRC)
Design For Manufacturing(DFM)
PCB Making
Assembly of components
39. PCB Designing Flow chart
Schematic Entry
PCB Layout Designing
Prototype Designing
Design Rule Check(DRC)
Design For Manufacturing(DFM)
PCB Making
Assembly of components
40. Description of PCB Layers
Electrical Layers
Top Layer
Mid Layer
Bottom Layer
Machanical Layers
Board Outlines and Cutouts
Drill Details
Documentation Layer
Components Outlines
Reference Designation
41. Keywords & their description
Electrical Layers
Pad stacks
Color of Layers
PCB Track Size Calculation Formula
42. PCB Materials
Standard FR-4 Epoxy Glass
Multifuctional FR-4
Tetra Functional FR-4
Cyanate Aster
Plyimide Glass
43. Rules for Track
Track Length
Track Angle
Rack Joints
Track Size
44. Study of IPC standards
IPC Standard For Schematic DesignLength
IPC Standard For PCB Designing
IPC Standard For PCB Meterials
IPC Standard For Documentation and PCB Fabrication
Section 11 : Lab Practice and Post Designing Concepts
45. Starting the PCB Designing
Understanding the schematic Entry
Creating Library & Components
Drawing a Schematic
Flat Design / hierarchical Design
Setting up Environment for PCB
Design a Board
46. Autorouting
Introduction to Autorouting
Setting up Rules
Defining Contraints
Autorouter Setup
47. PCB Designing practice
PCB Designing of Basic and Analog Electronic Circuits
PCB Designing of Power Supplies
PCB Designing of Different Sensor modules
PCB Designing of Electronics Projects
PCB Designing of Embedded Projects
Reducing Signal Noises on PCB
48. Post designing & PCB Fabrication process
Printing the Design
Interconnecting and Packaging electronic Circuits (IPC) Standards
Gerber Generation
Soldering and Desoldering
Component Mounting
PCB and Hardware Testing
49. Project work
Making the schematic of Acedemic and Industrial projects
PCB Designing of these projects
Soldering and Desoldering of componets as per Design
Testing and Troubleshoting Methods
Section 12 :Study of Measuring and Monitoring Devices
50. Need of measuring instruments
Types of Measuring Instruments
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Digital Storage Oscillscope
Digital Multimeter
Difference between CRO and DSO
51. Hands on learning on Multimeter
Voltage Measuring
Current Measuring
Resistance Measuring
Continuity check