Section 1 |
C++ |
a. |
Introduction to C++ |
I. |
Understanding Requirement : Why C ++ |
II. |
C Vs C++ |
III. |
Advantage of OOP |
IV. |
Software And Hardware For C++ |
V |
Compiling And Linking |
b. |
An overview of C++ & buzzwords |
I. |
Data Types , Variables And Arrays |
II. |
Operators |
III. |
Control Statements |
c. |
Functions |
I. |
Functions Prototyping |
II. |
Call /Return By Reference |
III. |
Function Overloading |
IV. |
Friend And Virtual Functions |
d. |
Classes & objects |
I. |
Defining Member Functions |
II. |
Arrays Within A Class |
III. |
Memory Allocations For Objects |
IV. |
Pointers To Members |
e. |
Constructors & destructors |
I. |
Parameterized /Copy/Dynamic Constructors |
II. |
Multiple Constructors In A Class |
III. |
Dynamic Initialization Of Objects |
IV. |
Constructing Two –Dimensional Arrays |
V. |
Destructors |
f. |
Operator overloading |
I. |
Overloading Unary /Binary Operators |
II. |
Manipulations Of String Using Operators |
III. |
Rules For Overloading Operators |
IV. |
Type Conversions |
f. |
Inheritance:Extending classes |
I. |
Defining Derived Classes |
II. |
Constructors In Derived Classes |
III. |
Single /Multiple /Multilevel/Hierarchical /Hybrid Inheritance |
IV. |
Virtual Base Classes |
V. |
Abstract Classes |
VI. |
Member Classes : Nesting Of Classes |
g. |
Pointers,Virtual functions & polymorphism |
I. |
Pointers To Objects |
II. |
This Pointer |
III. |
Pointer To Derived Classes |
IV. |
Virtual Functions |
h. |
Managing Console I/O operation |
I. |
C++ Stream Classes |
II. |
Unformatted /Formatted I/O Operations |
i. |
File managements in C++ |
I. |
Introductions To File Managements |
II. |
Opening /Closing A File |
III. |
Input/Output Operations On Files |
IV. |
Error Handling During I/O Operations |
V. |
Command Line Arguments |
j. |
Exception Handling |
I. |
Basics Of Exception Handling |
II. |
Exceptions Handling /Throwing /Catching Mechanism |
III. |
Rethrowing An Exception |
k. |
Template |
I. |
Introduction To Template |
II. |
Class Template |
III. |
Function Template |
IV. |
Overloading Of Template Function |
V. |
Graphics (Optional ) |
VI. |
Project Work |
Section 2 |
Conditional Statements And Loops Decision Making Within A Program,
a. |
Conditions |
b. |
Relational Operator |
c. |
Logical Connectives |
d. |
If statement,If-else statements |
e. |
Loops |
I. |
While Loop |
II. |
Do While |
III. |
For Loop |
IV. |
Nested Loops |
V. |
Infinite Loops |
f. |
Switch statements |
g. |
Structured programming |
h. |
Arrays One Dimensional |
I. |
Array Manipulation |
II. |
Searching |
III. |
Insertion, Deletion Of An Element From An Array |
IV. |
Finding The Largest/Smallest Element In An Array |
V. |
Two dimensional arrays |
VI. |
Addition/Multiplication Of Two Matrices |
VII. |
Transpose Of A Square Matrix |
Null Terminated Strings As Array Of Characters |
IX. |
Representation Sparse Matrices |
Section 3 |
Functions |
a. |
Top down Approach of problem solving |
b. |
modular programming and function |
c. |
Standard library of C function |
d. |
Prototype of a function |
e. |
Passing arguments to a function |
Section 4 |
Structures And Unions |
a. |
Structure Variable |
b. |
Initialization |
c. |
Structure assignments |
d. |
Nested structure |
e. |
Structure and functions |
f. |
Structure and arrays |
I. |
Arrays Of Structures |
II. |
Structures Containing Arrays |
g. |
Unions |
Section 5 |
Pointers |
a. |
Pointer address operator |
b. |
Pointer type declaration |
c. |
Pointer assignment |
d. |
Pointer initialization |
e. |
Pointer arithmetic |
f. |
Functions and pointers |
g. |
Arrays and pointers |
h. |
Pointer Arrays |
Section 6 |
File Processing Concept Of Files |
a. |
Files opening in various modes and closing of a file |
b. |
Reading from a file |
c. |
Writing onto a file |