Begining With C
Course Features
- Course Duration: 4 weeks/ 60 Hours
- Category: Industrial Summer Training
- Students: 0
- Certificate: Yes
- Location: Janakpuri East New Delhi
- Language: Turbo C
- Lesson: 0
- Viewers: 2823
- Prerequisites: No
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Course Capacity: 50
- Start Course: 05/20/2019
C++ is the the backbone to all kind of industrial work and C language is the root of all softwares. The C language programing has become de-facto standard of software learning to all engineers. This program gives you learning and practical approch of C language programing.
Familiarity with computer and its operation.
Section 1 : Software Programming Language Introduction
1. Basic History
various Standards
2. Importance of C
3. Features & Applications
4. Overview of C programming language
Data Types
Format Specifiers
Header Files
Library Function
Syntax of Basic C Program
Section 2 : Software Fundamentals
5. Introduction to Turbo C software IDE
6. Programming environment of Turbo C software IDE
7. Decision control statements syntax and use
if statement (Choosing One out of Many)
if-else statement (Choosing One out of Two)
Nested if statement
Nested if else statement
Switch-case statement
8. Loops and their importance
for loop
while loop
do while loop
Nested Loops
Infinite loops
9. Declaration, defining and accessing of Arrays
One dimensional array
array traversing
array copying
Two dimensional array
array traversing
array copying
Memory Allocation of arrays
Benefits of using arrays
10. String and string functions
String traversing
Operations on strings
String Handling
String Library Functions
Section 3 : Functions Declaration, Defining and Calling
11. Necessity and uses
12. Elements of functions
13. Types of functions
Call by Value
Call by Reference